Saturday, January 18, 2014

Missing Number Freebie!

A beautiful three-day weekend is just what I needed to jump back into creating more Fun And Easy Center Activities.  It's in the 50s here and we are expected to dip down into the 30s tonight.  Just the right amount of winter coldness for me.  I've recently finished my 50th product (can't believe it) so it is time for a FREEBIE!

                             Click Here To See More!

This set addresses the Common Core Math Standard- MACC.1.OA.C.6-Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition with 10.

The center includes 24 addition and subtraction Kitty number sentences (written with the answer first and last) with missing numbers. Students work together in a small group, partners or individually to find the missing number for each Kitty number sentence.  Once found, the student places the correct missing number mouse over the kitty picture.  You may even want to split the set into 2 centers to enable more students to work this center.

Thanks for stopping by and grab your freebie now!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Snow Day in Florida = Flood Day

When we hear about the horrific freezing temperatures and the huge amounts of snow up north, our hearts goes out to you.  We were in for a BIG surprise Thursday night when we received 22 inches of rain!  Needless to say, roads and schools were closed on Friday.  An unexpected 3-Day weekend is always welcome, even if it is a soggy one.  Here is what we woke up to Friday morning.


Here is a little fun fact from the weatherman.   1 inch of rain =  10 inches of snow.  So if the temperature was quite colder, we would have had 18 feet of snow!  I think I will take the rain. 
So wherever you are- stay warm and dry this winter!

More teacher tips in my next post.